Kite flying


Thousands of years ago kites were made in China to be used in wars by kings. They used them to signal their armies. Kites nowadays are being using for different purposes. It was also used for first human flight. It has become a very good entertainment source around the world. Kite flying in Pakistan was common some years ago. They are available in various sizes and designs. The government used to hold a Basant Festival every year in which many foreigners would also participate. It became a huge business for the people.

But around five years ago, some people just for the sake of winning and earning profits started using different materials for the twine which were too dangerous for the people to handle easily. This chemical-filled twine took the lives of many innocent people.

But should we ban kite flying for this very reason or should we adopt more stringent measures to avoid such situations. Kites flying here had been going for decades but no significant loss of life was visible. We should only ban the use of killer twine and make sure that no one crosses the line against the law. Kite flying is a good business. This source of entertainment and business should remain open for everyone.





  1. kite flying should be allowed again, its a festival of fun, joy and celebration so the ban must be lifted of it.

  2. It was a beautiful event. It depited our soft image to the world. Kite flying is not dangerous unless use of chemical string. Government must drive ways to ensure strick control on chemical use. There were no deaths with string untill use of chemical string became common for some naughty, anti social minded people. Such people caused total ban on such a beautiful celebrations. Govenment must follow some good method to handle those culprit and then lift ban on Basant.

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