Women empowerment


The inflation rate of Pakistan is increasing day by day. Now, it is very difficult for a family to depend on single bread winner. To meet the routine necessities of life everybody in a family have to earn to support the family. But gender inequalities are the part of our society. In country like Pakistan where more than half of the population is of females, this gender discrimination is causing a serious damage to the economy.

Only 16% of the urban women are actively participating in economy while 78% of the rural women are working in agriculture. In rural areas women are neglected, under-nourished and a victim of cultural malpractices yet a pivotal part of the agricultural sector. Pakistan still has a closely knit family system. One of the most obvious reasons for the lack of women working is the direct disapproval of senior members of the family.

Males usually want their females to maintain a traditional outlook on the household status. Women are taught that the outer world is not safe for them which are the major hindrance in their education, or in the vocational training. These problems cause women’s less participation in economy. On the contrary studies have shown that women empowerment has a positive relation with the well-being of children and directed towards on the whole betterment of the family.

The best way of women empowerment is vocational training like sewing, weaving, or handmade jewellery making etc.

Expanding education for women, investing in the form of micro financing grants to help women become economically active and increase their incomes as well as vocational training programs.

Through agricultural programmes, government should help women farmers develop skills and techniques to improve their access to markets. Seminars in different universities and colleges should be arranged to educate the youth about the seriousness of this issue so that the next generation knows how to work together to empower women. Media could play a vital role by providing awareness, proper and useful information related to this issue.

