Pakistan Today

Four killed in Taliban infighting

Internal rifts and hostilities amongst Taliban militants have escalated in the mountainous regions of Upper Aurakzai Agency following the killing of an important commander. In a related development, security forces killed 7 militants and injured 5 others in Mohmand Agency. Armed clashes occurred in Upper Aurakzai between Taliban commander Noor Jamal commonly known as Mullah Toofan and his rival, probably loyal to Hakim Ullah Mehsud.
The differences erupted between the two in 2009 soon after Bait Ullah Mehsud’s death in a US drone attack in South Waziristan. Mullah Toofan was also a candidate for the top slot. Besides his rift with Hakim Ullah Mehsud, Mullah Toofan is also notorious for involvement in kidnappings for ransom and attacks against the security forces and Shias in Aurakzai and Kurram Agencies and Hangu district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Reports have revealed that in the fresh clashes, Mullah Toofan has lost his first cousin, Commander Sheikh Aab Gul along with three aides.
Sheikh was in-charge of the prison for those held by Mullah Toofan. The militants have been engaged in internal rivalry for the past two months and a stable group is on revolt against Hakim Ullah Mehsud. Meanwhile, the security forces claimed killing 7 militants and injuring 5 others during retaliatory action in Sara Galoona area Baizai tehsil of Mohmand Agency. Officials said that militants attacked the security forces, injuring three personnel.

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