Pakistan Today

Why patronise criminals?

Why should the state of Pakistan allow its institutions to patronise criminals who have been declared as most wanted by the world.

The recent shameful and embarrassing episode of Osama bin Laden being apprehended in the vicinity of Kakul, which is our West Point, has dented the country’s credibility very badly. Nobody, be he in politics, or civil bureaucracy, or the khaki establishment, has the right to play with our national sovereignty and credibility.

It is the rampant corruption within the corridors of power and our sensitive agencies that allow loopholes which facilitate the entry of foreign criminals into Pakistan. Why was Osama allowed to enter Pakistan and what were the police, FIA, ISI and others doing?

Can somebody explain to us why are internationally wanted mafiosos facilitated to enter and do their business in Pakistan? Who is responsible for the mass murder and target killings of thousands of Pakistanis in Karachi and Hyderabad, or the religious fanaticism that has lead to suicidal bombings at mosques and shrines all over Pakistan?

What about reports that killers of journalist Wali Babar came from South Africa and were allowed to depart just to appease a coalition partner?

As long as some moral code of ethics is not strictly enforced and the writ of law not established, Pakistan’s image will continue to be tarnished in the community of nations.

We are a nation where criminals caught red handed with their hands in the till robbing the state, or men caught evading taxes, and members of the elite accused of possessing fake degrees continue to occupy their public offices. As long as the top is rotten, there is no remedy. Those responsible for this humiliation regarding Osama’s hideout should be sacked.

This is too serious a security lapse and all those who head our intelligence agencies must be asked to resign or be sacked, if we as a nation do not want a recurrence of such embarrassments. The state of Pakistan is more important than any individual or any institution.




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