No parallel between 9/11 and 26/11: US


The US on Friday refrained from drawing a parallel between 9/11 attacks and the Mumbai attacks and appeared to be unwilling to support any similar “hot pursuit” Indian effort as done by the US Special Forces in Pakistan to kill Osama bin Laden. “I don’t want to speculate too broadly about an operation that was clearly unique in the history of the US and the history of the world, where we had an individual who was possibly the most wanted man in the world and had perpetrated heinous crimes against not only American citizens, but citizens around the globe,” State Department spokesman Mark Toner said.
“I don’t want to draw too broadly a picture here. What we’ve said all along is that this was an individual where, when we had actionable intelligence against him, we acted upon that because we believed he was a direct and imminent threat to the US,” Toner said. He said the US had conveyed its concerns to Pakistan, adding that they wanted al Qaeda completely wiped out from Pakistan.