Still doubted?


How long had he been living there? How had he lived there undetected? How could he have lived undetected so close to the Pakistan Military Academy? Had the ISI provided asylum to him? The US probably went ahead with the plan without informing Pakistan because they didn’t trust them.

These are just some of the ridiculous questions asked and statements made by the western media as if they represent some deeper, dirtier games by those they call allies in this war, misleading their population against Pakistan. But the western world never asked the following questions:

How had the Al-Qaeda pulled off the biggest terrorist attack in America’s history with such military-precision right under the nose of one of the strongest intelligence agencies of the world: the CIA? How was 9/11 possible without inside help in the USA?

How was it possible for Al-Qaeda to train their own pilots, get them into those planes undetected, as well as weapons enough to hijack the plane? How did they get into America undetected?

The point is that 9/11 was possibly the biggest intelligence failure in history, but nobody in the west had such questions for the American government and their authorities.

Osama Bin Laden living in Abbottabad undetected is nothing compared to what Al-Qaeda got away with on that day. Shame on them for treating their allies with such double standards! Shame on them for being deliberately blind to the other side of the picture! Shame on them for creating more divides than unison on what should have been a day of accomplishment!

And here Pakistanis have a conspiracy theory of their own revolving around the reports that Bin Laden’s body has been “buried” at the ocean. Sure, if you say so. But why is this not casting a doubt on the American motives? What is the game here?

