Pakistan Today

Police beating

The real issue in Pakistan at hand is safety and security situation. Somewhere in between concerned uncertainty over police accountability and the arrogantly tyrannical ramblings in the past is the reality that nobody wants to know.

Our tax money is used on having police on every corner so that everybody can feel safe. The beating of media people by police at Zero Point in Islamabad regarding the EOBI case is not justified.

Undoubtedly, Pakistan is an errant child of democracy but we must all unite together to kill the menace of violence from the country. There is a dire need of hour for such policeman to undergo training where capacity building is done so that they can handle such situations without beating civilians and media personnel.


Texas, USA


It is not a surprise that the police still resort to unruly methods against arrested individuals during custody. There are numerous incidents of custodial killings by the police. Whether criminals or not, everyone has rights, but unfortunately human rights has not been a priority in this security apparatus. The accused have the right not to be tortured and access to legal system to prove their innocence. The police do not have to give out the verdict, it only has to apprehend the subject and allow the legal system to decide. These dark methods of investigation should be curbed as they are in clear violation of human rights.



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