Pakistan Today

Problems at KU

Ever wondered why the youth does not seek to get higher education at Karachi University anymore? It is not only affiliated with HEC but also recognised all over the world. KU is the cheapest of all in terms of fees. The fee structure is designed in such a way that it opens the door for all, which includes people from lower class to higher class, to come and seek education. Not only this, but it is the solitary university present in Karachi that offers maximum undergraduate degrees. KU comprises of 53 departments and 20 research centres and institutes.
Now since being a regular student at the university I have found out reasons why people are hesitant to get enrolled at KU despite all its merits. Clashes at the University had been a part of it since decades and no major action has ever been taken against it. These clashes disturb the educational environment.
The existence of political parties on campus is a great problem. I remember vividly the chaos that took place on the assassination of one of the MQM leaders and Governor of Punjab, Salmaan Taseer. Departments were shut down, students were sent home and papers were cancelled.
Besides, there is no security or protection given to the professors here. It has been heard quite a few times that professor of sociology department has been threatened by a student for scoring him less marks or professor of Islamic department has been threatened for penalising a student over short attendance. Sometimes, the threats turn out to be for real and thus the professor suffers.
Such acts within the campus not only blemish the name of the institution but also tend to restrain students to come to university. It is about time that the government should intervene and take notice of such inhuman activities occurring within the public university which is a place of learning and ought to be pure.

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