PML-Q lawyers slam ‘zero-accountability’ of Sharifs


Pakistan Muslim League Quaid (PML-Q) Lawyers’ Wing Tuesday urged the judiciary and the media to focus on the ‘zero accountability’ of the Sharifs despite being found guilty of looting billions of rupees from banks, financial institutions and the national exchequer. In a meeting of the pro-PML-Q lawyers in Lahore, they said that the Sharif family that had ‘plundered’ billions of rupees must never be allowed to go scot-free.
The lawyers demanded that the Sharifs must be tried for their involvement in the corruption cases. PML-Q leaders Kamil Ali Agha and Mohammad Basharat Raja were also present at the meeting. The PML-Q lawyers also expressed their grave concerns over what they termed as the ‘uncanny delay’ in the disposal of corruption cases filed against Sharif family by nine Pakistani banks including the National Bank, Habib Bank, United Bank, Muslim Commercial Bank, 1st Punjab Mudarba, Bank of Punjab, ADBP, PICIC and ICP.
The lawyers also observed that the decision regarding the legality of Shahbaz Sharif’s government had also been unnecessarily prolonged. The participants also observed that the country’s depleted financial resources, soaring poverty and excruciating power outages had necessitated a ‘firm and strict stance’ of all stake holders for the recovery of the money the Sharifs had ‘stolen from the poor people of Pakistan’. The PML-Q lawyers demanded of the Supreme Court to take immediate action over the matter.
They also urged the media to play its role to arise people about Sharif’s corruption.