PGMI to offer degree and diploma courses to doctors


Postgraduate Medical Institute (PGMI) invited applications for degree and diploma courses from the doctors from all over Pakistan as well as Azad Kashmir by May 10. The institute released application form on its website so that the candidates for specialization may download the application form from their homes. PGMI Principal Dr Tariq Salah-ud-Din said new session for the year 2011-12 included the advance courses of MS, MD, Mphil and MDS.
He said diploma courses and FCPS-II training was also included in the course. He said PGMI was providing educational facilities at a very low cost whereas in foreign countries large amount of funds were required for these courses. He urged the doctors to benefit from this facility and update their knowledge and professional expertise. Tariq said that one and two-years diploma courses in 12 different fields were being conducted.
He said further that MS courses included specialization in general surgery, urology, ophthalmology, neurosurgery, ENT, cardiac surgery, orthopedic, anesthesia, gynecology, plastic surgery and added that MD course included specialization in medicine, cardiology, pediatrics, radiology, dermatology, psychiatry whereas the MPhil courses included specialization in anatomy, biochemistry, physiology and microbiology.
He said admissions would be given purely on the basis of merit basis and no incomplete application would be entertained. The website address of PGMI is whereas the email address is [email protected].