Pakistan Today

Plundering national assets

It seems that our national honour, assets, public exchequer and sovereignty are tradable commodities for the PPP-led coalition government and their supporters amongst civil or khaki establishment, if it can prolong and strengthen their politics of power. Heinous crimes against law abiding tax-payers such as murder, rape, extortion and kidnapping for ransom are no longer pursued to their logical conclusion if they are committed by those who have support of their coalition partners.
Crime, it seems, pays its dividends if you have the right political connections in Pakistan. What would ordinarily be considered to be a conspiracy to rob the state is no longer an issue as has been displayed by the response of the sitting elected government and their failure to prosecute those involved in NICL scam, Haj Scam, ISAF missing containers scam, fertilizer scam, sugar cartel scam etc. The future of this country’s 170 million citizens and their collective financial interests are being compromised by the unchecked flight of capital for the benefit of few so that they can live in luxury after having robbed this unfortunate country.
The security of people of Pakistan and their health or education is no longer a priority for either this elected government, nor was it the objective of the Musharraf-led dictatorial junta. In order to evade justified tax levy on the rich elite, indirect taxation is being levied which has led to uncontrollable inflation forcing people to commit suicide, or resort to sell their body organs in order to afford a single meal per day.

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