Good Friday observed


Christians in Lahore celebrated Good Friday on April 22, 2011, in al churches of the city, however the main service given by Bishop Dr Alexander John Malik was given at the Cathedral Church.
In his service, the Bishop spoke about the crucifixion of Christ, as this s the most remembered event of the day. It is preached that in order to empathise with the pain felt by Jesus Christ while he was nailed to the Cross, this day is important. This was preceded by Holy Thursday or the night when the Last Supper took place, where Jesus predicted his death and gave his disciples the last few of his teachings.
The last few words, which Jesus said, were seven in number, according to the four Gospels. These teaching were said on the Cross. Three of the sayings appear exclusively in the Gospel of Luke and three appear exclusively in the Gospel of John. The other saying appears both in the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Matthew.
In Mark and Matthew, Jesus cries out to God. In Luke, he forgives his killers, reassures the good thief, and commends his spirit to God. In John, he speaks to his mother, says he thirsts, and declares the end of his earthly life.
The seven sayings as remembered in services of Good Friday Father forgive them, for they know not what they do
Today you will be with me in paradise
Behold your son: behold your mother
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me
I thirst
It is finished
Father, into your hands I commit my spirit
The services of Good Friday revolve around Jesus’ final hours.
They are held all around the world for about three hours devotional worship. Bishop Malik concluded his service by saying that everyone must struggle in life, and that whoever struggles will succeed. He said that no one should be discouraged by any kind of hindrances in their paths, instead should believe in the right paths.
He then wished peace and prosperity for Pakistan.
Good Friday marks the beginning of Easter celebrations which will start from Saturday.
Kamran Michael: Provincial minister for religious affairs, kamran Michael, requested the Chief Minister Punjab, to give holidays to the Christians for their Easter celebrations starting from Good Friday, till Easter.
He also requested that employees who were Christians should get their pay before Easter so that they could celebrate easily.