Problems in Narowal

Narowal is an important district of Punjab. It has good share in revenue generation but it has been neglected by every government. People here are deprived of their basic rights like heath and education. No single government hospital is there in Zaferwal, a sub-division in the district.
The present government is undertaking every effort to make Lahore a clean and beautiful city. People are facing many problems, especially in rainy seasons. The construction of a bridge has been stopped after the last elections while its infrastructure lies there still.
I want to draw attention of the CM of Punjab and other concerned authorities to take quick actions to complete this politicised Darman Bridge and also take action against those who are behind this negligence. This bridge is badly needed before the next rainy season. A poorly managed dispensary is working in Tarapur without staff and medicine. A single clean and beautiful Lahore is not enough for the national development. People of Narowal are very energetic, enthusiastic and hardworking. They want to add their share in the national building if they are provided basic facilities like education, health and communication.


  1. The people of Narowal have faced a lot of problems i.e. jobs transportation and others factors. A main issue is roads of Distt. Narowal. Narowal to Murdekey road is very dangers and not be reconstructed up till now. A request to C.M. Punjab to visit the Narowat Muradeky Road and ordered to concerned Deptt. to made the said road in urgent basis likely as METRO Project. The industrial Zone is very necessary for the people of Distt. Narowal. Trains services is not up to date in Distt. Narowal. No. any train for Narowal and need to run a new trains fro people of Distt. Narowal. Sui gas connection are not available in Narowal City. It is request to the Govt. to made the urgent basis Sui gas connection for the people of Narowal on urgent basis.

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