PU syndicates election campaign – Staining the opponent’s repute!


LAHORE – Punjab University (PU) teachers who are contesting Syndicates Election 2011 have started campaigning against their rivals in the elections. Teachers’ Front (TF), a pro-VC group, on Monday distributed the copies of a letter from the University of Leeds that exposed a PU faculty member’s forgery, while the Academic Group (AG), a pro-Jamat-i-Islami (JI) group, in a tit-for-tat response, distributed a circular against PU VC and TF teachers, exposing their wrongdoings.
TEACHERS’ FRONT ATTACKS: The letter circulated by the TF alleged that Economics Department Assistant Professor Mumtaz Anwer Chaudhry, an AG candidate contesting the seat of assistant professor in the elections, got promotion in 2003 by claiming to have two-year research experience at the University of Leeds. However, Leads University disowned him in response to a query made by PU administration, saying that Mumtaz was just a ‘clerical assistance.’
A copy of the circular available with Pakistan Today says that Mumtaz was a temporary lecturer who ran the wing of Islami Jamiat Taliba (IJT) at PU. It said that Mumtaz, by using ‘fake’ letters from the said university, not only got the assistant professor’s slot but also with the involvement of a Former PU vice chancellor and registrar got a PhD scholarship from the varsity’s research grant.
The circular says that when Lt Gen (r) Arshad Mahmood Khan was PU VC, a post of assistant professor was advertised in March 2003. A PU professor, seeking anonymity, said that Mumtaz used his influence, involving pro-JI professors, and grabbed the seat.
According to the circular, to meet the requirements of the Assistant Professor’s seat, Mumtaz claimed that he did two years of research at Leeds. Former registrar Col (r) Masudul Hassan, granted Mumtaz a benefit of two years research experience from January 1995 to December 1996 and declared him eligible for the post at Hailey College of Commerce. A PU official said that Leeds clearly wrote to PU that Mumtaz in 1994 just offered temporary clerical assistance to the varsity’s business school and he had not researched at their varsity. He said that eligible teachers for the post were victimised when pro-JI teachers conspired for their fellows.
ACADEMIC GROUPS FIGHT BACK: The AG also issued a circular against the PU VC, condemning his policies. It criticised the VC’s entire tenure and his ‘ignorance’ on the welfare of the faculty. In their pamphlet they wrote about the illegal appointments made by the VC and also listed the financial embezzlement by the VC.
They also criticized the pro-VC group members who are contesting elections, alleging that the TF with the VC’s cooperation was involved in ‘revengeful’ inquires against PU teachers and also made cases against female faculty members.