Protect thyself


Ch Nisar is being one-sided when he puts the entire blame on the ISI for getting Raymond Davis released and ensuring the tenure of its DG extended in the bargain. Whatever the forces who bargained for the release were, the fact remains that Davis was set free from a jail under the control of the Punjab government. If the provincial administration really wanted it could have easily rearrested him on some other charge, like espionage, that fitted him well. That this was not done leads one to conclude that there was collusion on the part of the Punjab administration also.

Since Ch Nisar is an insider, one is inclined to accept his allegation that intelligence agencies are funding certain political parties to create a new alliance. Ch Nisar has seen plannings of the sort from close quarters. An ISI chief brought together a number of parties to form the IJI of which Ch Nisars own party was the chief component. Ch Nisar is also on record having admitted that the MQM was delivered to the PML(N) by a former COAS. Any student of politics would know that strong political parties dont suit the offstage players. Earlier this month, an apparently worried Zardari had also talked about rumours regarding planning being afoot to put in place a technocrats government. There must have been straws in the wind that have led two important politicians from the government and opposition to express apprehensions about the intentions of the powers that be.

One may ask the leaders of the two parties what they have done to strengthen the system during the last three years? The PPP lost a whole year in futile attempts to retain the LFO judges, leading to the breakdown of the alliance with the PML(N) and a countrywide movement for the restoration of independent judiciary. Recently, the PML(N) forced the PPP to quit the coalition in Punjab against the latters wishes. Both the mainstream parties have thus indirectly helped the powers which they claim are out to destabilise the system. It is time they realise the mistake and work together to maintain the system.