LAHORE – Government College University (GCU) Old Ravians Union on Sunday passed a resolution against the dissolution of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) saying that it will adversely affect higher education in Pakistan and discourage students.
The resolution was passed unanimously at the meeting of the ORU Executive Committee at the GCU, which was chaired by ORU President and renowned nuclear scientist Dr Samar Mubarakmand. The executive committee said that the federal government should have strengthened the HEC instead of dissolving it.
“The HEC should have been given the responsibility of curriculum designing and appointing vice-chancellors so that uniform and integrated national education system could be established,” it added.
Afterwards, Mubarakmand and ORU executive committee members watched Mumtaz Mufti’s play Nizam Saqqa staged by the GCU Dramatics Club and praised the
performance of students.