Karkey rental power plant to be tested today


ISLAMABAD – After a delay of five months, the barge-mounted rental power plant of a Turkish company, Karkey Karadeniz Elektrik Uretim AS, will undergo commissioning test to prove reliable supply of 230MW power in Karachi on Saturday.
An official source at the Ministry of Water and Power said that the test would continue for two hours and certified by independent engineers to ensure that the plant could provide power consistently without any hiccup. After approval, the rental plant is expected to start supplying power in next few days to the Karachi Electric Supply Company.
Under the agreement the power plant would have to provide 93 percent power availability during the whole year, he said. When Karkey rental power starts the supply, the export of 230MW from PEPCO would be stopped. However, the government may opt to buy another 100MW from the firm’s additional capacity in case of requirement, the source said.
Under the original agreement, the commercial operation date (COD) of Karkey was fixed at August 19, 2009. The rental power ship has missed five CODs after it was anchored off the Port Qasim in Korangi Creek near Ibrahim Haideri in November last year.
Initially, the rental power plant had a capacity of 232MW but it was lower than the agreed power supply so it brought another ship of 100MW to give full output.