Pakistan Today

Targeting tribal lashkars

The militants have adopted the strategy of targeting pro-government tribesmen and tribal elders. The suicide attack on a bus terminal in Dir was probably aimed at an Aman Lashkar who was among the dead. It is imperative that the government should provide proper support and security to these supporters as they are the key of uniting everyone under one banner to fight terrorism. The terrorists sense this danger and are out to either demotivate the locals by removing the leadership out of the equation. The terrorists want to create a leadership gap which they would exploit for their interests.

It is evident by the recent events of terrorist incidents that Pakistan is clearly the victim of terrorism. Pakistan has suffered the most by the hands of these terrorists since the war on terrorism began. But even after a decade of struggle, we have still not achieved much. It is also a cause of concern for the coalition partners. The recent spike in incidents has proved that the terrorists have still the ability to strike with impunity. Perhaps, it is time that the policy makers should revise their strategies and mobilise public opinion to comprehensively curtail terrorism.



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