Pakistan Today

Revolution or change?

Leaders of PTI, MQM, Jamat-i-Islami, PML(N) are calling for revolution without telling the people how they will bring the revolution and what changes they intend to make in the contract of state and people after the revolution.

What will be their priority? Defence, education, health, transport, drinking water for all citizens, rule of laws, protection of fundamental rights of people, no discrimination and oppression of religious sects, or terrorism among the so many malaises that this country is facing.

How are they going to make Pakistan a welfare state? How will they create economic opportunities and established social justice? No doubt majority of people desire change, but not through a bloody revolution which these preachers of revolution may have in mind. It is true that current functioning of state and government is not meeting the peoples inspiration. But the question is why state and government has failed to protect the life and property and has not been able to provide uniform quality education, housing health and economic opportunities to the people?

Why the basic rights of the peoples are not respected by the state and government? Why the people are deprived of freedom of personal choice and equality before the law? Why only the few Pakistani have a major percentage of the nations wealth in their hands?

Who is responsible for present state of society and country? Why the military dictators, politicians, civil establishment and judiciary have failed in their responsibility? Why the countrys economy is collapsing?

Their will be no revolution in Pakistan as it is a divided society having no discipline and unity among the people. Instead of indulging in rhetoric and emotional speeches all the political leaders should present the practical solutions to the problems and issues faced by the people and country. They should seek change by vote and not a revolution and should first establish democratic norms within their parties.



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