SAARC meeting on poverty alleviation on 28th


ISLAMABAD – Two-day SAARC secretaries meeting on poverty alleviation would be held on March 28-29 to discuss the progress in implementing the SAARC “Poverty Plan of Action on Poverty Alleviation”.
The Planning Commission of Pakistan is hosting the 4th SAARC secretaries meeting. The first meeting was held in Colombo where as the second meeting was hosted by Maldives while third meeting was hosted by India. The meeting will provide a forum for discussion and exchange of information and experiences of SAARC countries for poverty alleviation policies, strategies, programmes and projects adopted by the SAARC member countries.
The forum will discuss progress in implementing the SAARC “Poverty Plan of Action on Poverty Alleviation” including good governance through improved public sector management and delivery system, particularly in areas that affect the poor. Pursuing sound macro-economic management policies through focus on quality and pattern of growth.
Enriching the concept of human development through adoption of Bhutan’s philosophy of promoting `Gross National Happiness’ through equitable socio-economic development would be discussed. Combating poverty through promotion of employment in small and medium enterprises, microfinance institutions and tourism sector and promoting multi-culturalism, pluralism and mass education through gender equality and empowerment of women, vocational and technical training and skill up-gradation, would also be discussed.
The forum will discuss for expanding social safety nets through schemes targeting the poorest and the most vulnerable by introducing old age benefits, disability benefits and benefits on the death of the primary bread earner and investing in human capital and social sectors through encouragement of private sector investment in education and health. Exercising prudence in allocating public resources and strengthen domestic resource mobilisation through prioritisation of public expenditure and increased domestic revenue to reduce the dependence on Overseas Development Assistance.
Empowering local communities and governments through decentralisation, financial devolution and community participation, strengthening poverty alleviation programs through building up the physical assets for the poor, including grant assistance to the indigent for purchase of small capital assets. Expanding intra-regional trade and capital flows and faster movement towards SAFTA, learning from each other’s experiences through exchange of best practices would also be discussed.
The forum will also discuss SAARC Development Goals, their achievability by 2012 through launching appropriate policies/programmes and projects. The food security challenges for the poor and social inclusion, being the theme of Regional Poverty Profile (RPP) 2009 will also be discussed. The SAARC Forum will provide an opportunity for mutual cooperation in reducing poverty.