India favourites? Imran is wrong: Pervez Rasheed


LAHORE – Senator Pervaiz Rashid of the Pakistan Muslim League-N has expressed his surprise and anguish over the statement of Imran Khan declaring Indian cricket team as favorite for the forthcoming semi-final of World Cup 2011.
He said that it does not behoove a Pakistani politician to predict victory of Indian cricket team over Pakistan. He said that former Pakistan cricket team captain Imran Khan has hurt the sentiments of 160 million people of Pakistan by showing his lack of confidence in the Pakistani captain and the team.
He said that Imran Khan who had made an appeal to the people to pray for the victory of Pakistani cricket team only one day ago at a rally in Mozang Chungi, has now started foreseeing the success of Indian team in the semi final. He said that political differences apart, Imran Khan should tell the people at whose behest he is making such statements from Kolkata.
Senator Rashid said that like his contacts with Altaf Hussain, the far-fetched idea of the victory of India is a U-turn of Imran Khan and he should tell the people how many such somersaults he is about to take. He said that Imran Khan should refrain from such tactics to gain media coverage as it is a fact that Pakistani cricket team will win the semi final.
He said that 160 million people of Pakistan are praying for the Pakistani cricket team. He said that Imran Khan should keep his spirits high and refrain from creating despondency in the Pakistani nation and the cricket team. Senator Rashid further said that as former captain, Imran Khan’s analysis is against facts and he is doing no service to the Pakistani team and its captain by expressing his lack of confidence in them.
He said it is need of the hour to raise the morale of Pakistani team and Imran Khan will become a laughing stock by issuing such ridiculous statements from India. He said that Pakistani cricket team will be victorious on March 30 and will come up to the expectations of the 160s million people of Pakistan and Imran Khan’s hopes will be dashed.