Davis’ release green light for more killings: former CIA operative


LAHORE – The release of Raymond Davis is just a green light for more killings and assassinations by the US government and the CIA in Pakistan, Robert Anderson, a former CIA operative has said in an interview with Talkhaba.
Anderson, who operated in Vietnam around 60 years ago, talked about undercover work the CIA did back then and the similarities with it now in terms of running operatives like Raymond Davis working in Pakistan. “The pillage and slaughter of Pakistanis will increase most likely in the US quest for imperial power over your country and region,” he said, adding that the question of justice had been replaced by money.
“This is the typical way the US works, kill and buy people off,” he said. “Pakistan, in my opinion, missed a historic opportunity with Ray Davis to affirm its sovereignty and now has basically returned to its former colonial status, only under the US rather than the British.”
When asked how many undercover agents were working in Vietnam and how many agents might be working in Pakistan, Anderson said, “In Laos and other areas, the reports are: a large number. I have no idea as there is a fuzzy line between the official military people and the covert forces. They are all out for the same goal, to destabilise and corrupt and overthrow governments. Sometimes it is done directly with the military sometimes it is done with covert acts. You must know well the coup in Iran in 1953 by the CIA. That is the model that all the rest of this flows from.”
“No idea of how many of them must be there in Pakistan but I would think the number is quite big given the key position Pakistan occupies in the US plan for the conquest of Eurasia.” Asked how he saw the US demand for blanket immunity for Raymond Davis, he said, “Typical. Deny, cry that he is a victim of the folks who don’t understand the greatness and goodness of the US intentions. Just some people don’t get the word they say. It is entirely up to Pakistan to decide what to do.”
Asked what made the CIA out source its work to various operatives like Blackwater/Xe Worldwide working in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, the former CIA operative said, “I suppose to try to hide it from the American and other people. But anyone with awareness knows what is going on.”
Asked to give advice to Pakistan on how to get rid of terrorism, Anderson said, “More education of the public and help in understanding that the US could be as terroristic, and a problem, as any other group. Stand up strong and don’t let things like Ray Davis go away.”