Pakistan Today

Drug addiction

Addiction is a disease that affects the lives of so many people; the numbers are staggering. Even more alarming is the fact that many addicts are in denial, which means that the number of people struggling with drug addiction in our country could be far greater than we actually know.

The addict of drugs is generally in a state of denial and believes that he or she can stop at any time. This is not true. Once an addict has begun the cycle of denial, they have entered the realm of addiction. Although they know it is wrong and they know the effects that drugs can have on them both mentally and physically, they put these negative effects and consequences out of their mind and continue to use.

Compulsion is the main aspect that propels an addict. Addiction manifests itself in different ways and can sprout up seemingly out of nowhere. Science has been studying addiction for many years now, attempting to locate the addiction centres to see exactly how they work. The trouble with this is that addiction is a very individualised behaviour, slightly different with every individual it affects.

Psychological addiction is when an addict believes that he or she needs the substance they abuse to be able to function. Physical addiction is when the addicts body requires certain amounts of a drug to be able to function. This is quite common with the users of drugs. The addict has used these substances for so long and so frequently that there body is unable to function properly without certain levels of drugs in their system.

The fact of the matter is that addiction cannot be traced back to one factor. There are usually several factors that ultimately help to spawn an addict. A combination of genetic or family history, combined with an environment in which the potential addict is exposed frequently to drug abuse compounds the likelihood of addiction in an individual. The important thing to remember is that addiction is a disease. No one chooses to become an addict; there are many factors involved. Seeking help and beginning a rehab program of recovery is the best way to fight back.



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