Pakistan Today

Pakistan’s sovereignty

Sovereignty is usually a prerogative of proud hardworking prosperous countries which do not depend on foreign aid and loans. Pakistan has 34 percent population living below the poverty line and at least 15 percent are educated unemployed. Our 60 percent of the population is without pure drinking water and 2.5 million children are not able to attend the school. Children are seen begging on the roads.

Our leaders speak loudly in public meetings about national dignity and sovereignty and then dishonour the country through their own deeds. It is also reported in the media that a deal between the ISI and CIA has been reached where the CIA will declare its operatives in Pakistan and would curtail its contract staff. It is a fact that we need US aid, IMF and World Bank loans to save the country from the economic collapse. When a country borrows from another country, it compromises its honour and sovereignty because there is no free lunch in the world. Pakistan can only become sovereign country by achieving financial independence and making drastic reforms in every sphere of its national interests.



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