NEW YORK – For those of you who hate the fact that each brand of 3D TV comes with its own set of glasses, the Consumer Electronic Association (CEA) is trying to standardize frames among all brands.
According to sources, the U.S. trade organization that oversees the electronic industry is trying to get companies to allow users to buy one set of glasses for all 3D TVs.
Right now, 3D TVs are split between majority stereoscopic 3D TVs that use active shutter technology and newer TVs that are taking advantage of the passive 3D technology (the kind you see at movie theaters). The later is cheaper to make, but doesn’t provide as clear of an image. There’s also a third kind in the mix: autostereoscopic TVs that won’t require glasses at all. (I’ll pause here to let your mind be blown.)
Toshiba is leading to front to get rid of your glasses, but there is no TV product for the public that has been announced that will let you watch sans frames. The CEA is focusing on making universal 3D spectacles for the stereoscopic 3D TVs, which makes up most of the TVs today.
It’s a good idea and would save us money if we decided to switch one stereoscopic 3D TV for another, but we believe the CEA should get behind glasses less 3D TV. Think about it: Now all your friends can enjoy the 3D experience, instead of your favorite four.