$500 each for CIA agents in Balochistan


ISLAMABAD – Investigations into the case of Raymond Davis, an American arrested in Lahore in January for killing two Pakistanis, have revealed that the US spy agency, CIA is indulged in heavy recruitment of local agents in Balochistan to locate members of the so-called Quetta-based Taliban Shura.
It was the result of a probe into the Davis case that the Pakistani security agencies came to know that around 300 more CIA contractors were present in various parts of the country, apparently to keep an eye on Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders that the Americans suspect to have taken refuge in various cities and towns across the country.
“Now it has also been revealed that the CIA is indulged in heavy recruitment of local people as agents in Balochistan to locate members of the Quetta Shura, a term used by the Americans for Mullah Omar-led Taliban commanders,” a senior official said.
“Mostly, the agents being recruited or hunted for recruitment by the CIA are Afghans living for years now in Quetta and other cities of Balochistan where the American spy agency believe the Taliban leaders could have their hideouts,” he said. He said, “Each agent is being paid around $500 by the CIA and in return he has to keep any eye on Taliban activists or sympathisers in his area. The basic aim is to collect information about Mullah Omar and his close aides.”
The presence of US marines in Quetta training FC personnel is not a secret as the officials of the ministry of defense and interior admitted this in a recently held meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Defense. In addition to that reports have also appeared about the presence of CIA in Quetta.
A Pakistani diplomat said currently both Pakistan and the US were trying hard to resolve the issue of Davis amicably. “Yes, Davis’ arrest and the subsequent probe has revealed many startling things such the CIA’s recruitment spree in Balochistan where the law and order is already volatile, but our security agencies are discussing and tackling that issue with the Americans in way that the national interests are fully safeguarded,” he said.
He said Pakistan’s civilian and military leaders in their recent interaction with the US Special Representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan Marc Grossman and other American officials have sought details of all CIA operatives and contractors like Raymond Davis working in Pakistan.
“Our agencies do have the record now of Davis like ‘dubious characters’ but we also want the Americans to cooperate with us and also to make sure that we don’t make any miss,” the diplomat said.


  1. The Muslim of The USA, CANADA,, & EUROPIAN Countries are must leave these Countries soon, and Return To Their Owne Countries . The Europain’s AMERICAN’S & CANDIAN’s ARE Leave Muslim Countries , Espacialy, Arab Countries, Turkey, Afghanistan, African’s Muslim Countries, The Central Asian Muslim Countries, The Pakistan, The Fare EAST MUSLIM Countries, and so on. The Three Hundred Years Dirty Play Game’s are” OVER’s. ” Hey ! The President, of USA, Mr. Barack Obama, The Islamic Revolution Congratulation To You. Also to the muslim world, .This IsImperialist competition in Central Asia , West Asia and it’s relevance to the “war against terrorism”. Oil, gas, pipelines and proxy armies. Its” DRUG MAFIA WAR ” The U.S. Government taking advantage of the famine conditions in Afghanistan? Why are the appeals for a pause in the bombing meeting deaf ears ? The Afghanistan Plan Money and Work for Moderate Taliban. ( Not The puppet TALIBAN & AL-QAEDA, they are anarchist, the are not Afghanies, the are PAYING persons, they are ” DALLOR MEN ” , also they are” GOVERNEMENT DURG MAFIA” they have no ” CHARACTER .” ) . We cant say Afghanies to leave Afghanistan for American, who want use them.The American has no mind, they are free of mind. They think after the work. They are ” SADIST NATION. ” They are failed in Japan , Germany, Iraq, Vetnam, Vetcong, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Lebanon & very bad in Iran, Just now in” THE GREAT AFGHANISTAN “. From witch The DOWN FALL OF AMERICAN’s are STRAT’s FROM Afghanistan. The ECONOMIC WORLD WAR CIRSIS are Starting Point of AMERICAN’S & EUROPIAN’S, Fall Down. They will leave Afghanistan after very very bad condition., Shame on you. They dont know who are the BRAVE Afghani’s ?. Their is no one American, who study the Afghans history. They came to Afghanistan for fighting with USSR, CHINA & GREAT INDIA. Its fighting place for these big power. The NATO are nothing for Afghani’s. The US army is tired, Britisher are going back. Canadan also be going back. The American army wants fight with all Islamic countries, + china+ india,+ ussr & so many other countries. They can not fight only with BRAVE AFGHANI’s.? The time will be decided, its not so for, we can see the whole darma, nearby, THE” TEN YEARS “gone with the wind…. whats happend ? A BIG GRAVEYARD, for whom ? They are AMERICAN’s, CANADIAN, BRITISHER, GARMAN’s,EUROP, Israel, NATO, & so many others countries, NOT ” WORLD ZIONIST,” JEWS, ISRAELI’s, MOSSAD, Christian Zionist, Freemasion etc. WHY ? Because the ISRAELI’s, WORLD ZIONIST, ( drugmafia ) WANTS, oil, gas. gold, dallor, every things they wants in their hands.THE FIGHTING is for other countries, NOT for them :THE ECONOMIC world war crisis is gift for USA, UK, ISRAEL .IT TAKS LONG TIME. The SAME case LIKE IN 90’s happend in USSR .Maybe same case for USA, UK, & ISRAEL.IN AFGHANISTAN,THE anarchist puppet TALIBAN & AL-QAEADA, THE NEEDS ONE TIRILLIAN ,( 1,000,000,000,000) EURO NOT DALLOR FOR, Peace & Security in Afghanistan. ( 140 million is nothing for them ) THIS ECONOMIC WORLD WAR CERISIS ARE VERY BAD FOR THESE IMPERIALIST Countries, AFTER THAT MAY BE USA & others are can’t SERVIVE.? ITS VERY THUAFF TIME FOR AMERICAN. TO BRING FROM THIS BAD ECONOMIC WORLD WAR CIRSIS..You are at a big risk of history, its turning point for United State history.If you want to change these World problem, at this time you are near by. You may be very cear full in these days, because of Afghanistan WARS, Iraq problem, Pakistan case, its going to an examination for you , your countries, your army, your big nation, & YOUR FOREIGNE POLICY. Your countries are involve in 35 years Afghan WARS. You invest 60 trillion Dallor put in Afghan’s & Iraq Fire’s, just now its Smook give turbel to your nation, this Smook covered all the World.Just now its thicknees Smooky cloud, could involed all the Nation ‘s in the World, every one are busy in this Earing & Holy Wars, from East to West, & from North to South. How can you are remove this Smook from whole World.? ? Its very though thing for you & your country to REMOVE THIS SMOOK from EARTH. Its IMPOSIBLE in this CENTURY, YOU CANT DO IT, God help you. Its not so easy, ( easy come easy go, dont worry be happy ). you cant THINK IT.Its shame for us.Its a historical mistake, why we start this war,? We must try to stop this dirty war in this MODRAN AGE..Its our fault to strat this bloody war, daily Thousand’s army, people are Killing.in this war . This Holly war will be going to next Century, ( never ended war.).The American Foreign Policy are TOTALLY FAILED, because of this interfair of non governament jewish ..Actually, on the other hands, Jewish involed very badly in American’s Politics, The Five million jewish are control all American’s Governament, from Abraham Lincon, to Bush, Bush father & you Mr,Obama, TILL NEXT CENTURY. ( 2220 ), ie, 110 years more. At that time the us papulation will be 525 million’s & Jewish are at that time will be 9 million’s, or som more. The ECONOMIC WORLD WAR CIRSIS is also COMMING due to JEWISH LOBBY in the WORLD. They must be punished & stop their activety . If we failed to stop them, then whole world will be going to hanger & poornees , we must think about our comming children’s.The ASIAN are not terrorists they are Friend’s of INDIA, USA, NATO, UK, ISRAEL & ISI,RAW, KGB,and also WORLD ZOINIST, The Mujahedin ARE Enemies of USA, NATO & others..The Usa, Uk, Israel or NATO & Others are involves in this Batlle’s for ” NOTHING “. The real Afghani are Fight for their Sweet Country The Great AFGHANISTAN, FOR freedom FROM devil & evil. Its very good idea, that the American Army never go’s from Afghanistan, its good for Afghani’s. They are busy with their Aram’s. specialy puppet Taliban, ( afghani & pakistani ), and Al-Qaeda. The Mujahedin are comming on duty as like in 80’s they DO work for American’s, just now they are working for the USSR, CHINA & INDIA This showes that the END of INDIA, USSR, USA, UK, ISRAEL, & NATO are becomming soon. ( May be with in 10 years almost. ). The ECONOMIC WORLD WAR CIRSIS is gift of 11/9, for the Whom start the Holy war in ISLAMIC COUNTRIES, before & after. This 30 years WAR’S are not JOKE. Millions & millions mens& woman are Killed, It WERE A DIRTIEST GAME OF THE WORLD, Dont worry Time Will be Come, When Revange Shall be Start. No Problem. The American’s Advisor are so POOR, Like Britishar, Israeli’s, Canadian, German’s, & Other’s. ( LIKE brezenski )..What’s going on in 11/2/2010 Election;s.Why The ” TEA PARTY ” Came as ” THIRD PARTY,” Its Weaknees of Government.ie. ( due to Jewish Lobby ). It was Selection Not Election. You can say, Selected nor Elected ” ELECTION.” Its was playing dirtieast game of JEWISH LOBBY in 11/2/2010 US Election or Selection. See the Election result, that poor Obama missed evry think in this election, his party, MRS, CLINTON, Forgn Minister & so others. There is no Good women like Mrs, Clinton. We MISS her. May be she become President of USA IN 2012, ELECTION’S. ( 100 % ). We say her THE HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND THE HAPPY NEW GOLDEN YEAR, 2011, CONGRATULATION, TO, Mr, MRS, and faimly of Cilenton’s. ..Why they are ( JEWS ) doing worng prictical projects. ? as exampel the 11/9, Black September, Failure projects. Its Shamelees for Israel & Jew.Lobby. They never stop their dirty politics in the World, especialy in United States of America. Just now they wants playing’s an other PROJECT .? But they are alway’s FAILURE in their Long & Short Tearm’s Projects. When all world are in their hands. But GOD NVER HELP Them.Becaus they are guilty,They are STEAL, Oil, Gold, Silver., Dollars, Heroin, Parts of Humen Bodies, Technoldgi of the World. evry thinks in the World. They are TURASTY on Money. THE 18 MILLION JEWISH ARE HAVEING 120 TRILLION’S, ( ONE HUNDRED TWENTY, 12000,000,000,000 ) EURO, Money in their hands, million’s companies, agencies, factories, etc. etc. ” They ARE THEIVES OF THE EARTH “. Why American’s are help them. ?. They are a SADIST Nation of the World…. The “Pakistan is a strategically important country not just for the U.S., but also for the world. Mr. Obama said.. ”Why The Muslim are so weak, that the American’s beat them from 60 years. They Killed Thousand Muslim around the World daily. We need ” Friends, Not Master. ” The 11/9/2001 Failure Project, ( Mission Imposible ) were causes for them, But The 11/9 was Programed before 2000. ( Between 80’s & 90’s ) They want Kill all Muslim Comunity, ie. Islamic Block. ( Espacialy Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Arab Comunity & other Countries . ) But they don’t NO, How are The Muslim.? They think Muslim are as like Japan’s, or Viet Name’s, Viet Congs or as Kirean’s, & Other one The want kill 1560 Million Muslim all over the World., With their Two Million Army.Just now they are killed Two million Muslim. With Their One million Army.ie.. ( The pupped Al Qaeda, & Taliban , are WITH 9 COUNTRIES POWER THE ” Nato, are with 28 countries army, “. The US ARMY, UK, ISRAEL, CANADIAN army & others. ) . They spend 60 Trillion Dallors in these WARS.Due to These Three Decade WARS, ” The ECONOMIC WORLD WAR CIRSIS IS BECOME “. You can’t do any Think. It needs 90 Trillion Dallors more. They are Totally FAILURE’s. The American’s are Foolish, Mad, no Minde, Sadist nation, & so cheap. ( Cheap man like as a Mr. Bush, Sadist men, NOT Mr. OBAMA ) why ?. They are Think after doing Work. What’s happended after 11/9 , they lost 150 Countries of the World, spacialy Islamic Block.( 57 Islamic Countries. ) , Why The World Nation’s are HATE Theme. The SIX Million JEWSH LOBBY are controling The American’s Governament. ( Jewish are in Sanet, in CIA, in FBI, in Congrees, in White House, in Pentagon, in News Paper, in TV, in Banks, in Hotles, in Stoke Exchange, in Black Marketing’s, in Ngo’s, in Politics, ( They have a dirty Politics. ), in Hoolly Wood, and, and, and so on. From PRESIDENT, To a PEON are working foe Jewish Lobby. The World Jewish Congrese, ( They shows how events including the election of America’s first African. ) World Anarchist, World Zionist, Freemasion’s,( Sadist org,) MI5, MI6, WatchTawore, Awake, Lion Club, Rotary ,Jaycees, Cia, Fbi, Mossad, RAW Pentagone, Israel, Usa, UK, Farance, Greater Itly & China are can not Control Afghanestan, Pakistan, & Iraq. They must stop the War & Wall.They Must GO from Asian & Middal East Countries. Why With in Two years Obama Failed. ? The 11/2/2010,the midterm elections, was very costly for Obama, The election, was selected not elected, it was Joke of century, it was White vers Black Blood slection, it was a tough WAR. BETWEEN OBAMA & BUSH PARTY. The Barack Obama effect makes it tough for Democrats in midterm unhappy elections The both Parties ( Republican & Democrats ) are same. But the Third Party,( TEA PARTY ) ARE BAD .Their is no difrents btween Them. After Two years Who become, THE PRESIDENT OF USA. ? MAN or WOMEN ? ( May be Mrs. Clintone, The NEXT US Prisedent. ) BLACK or WHITE, ? so called MUSLIM or JEWISH, ? CHEMUNIST or CHRISTIEAN, ? ( Chatolic or Protistean’s . ? ) from ASIAN or SOUTH EAST ASIA, ? They are Handover the War to ” USSR.”, AFTER DATE ” CHINA. “. The Greater Balochistan idea come First Time, by German Govt, also Greater Kurdistan is come on paper of the World. It was against Birtish Govt, to Failed them. This was start near obut 100 years ago.But there is no result of this issue. But Thousand & Thousands people’s are Killed. Just now The Greater ISRAEL are BECOMMING ON FRONT of THE WORLD. It is True or Lie’ s. ? ? ? !…. The Chirstian’s, Christian Zionist, Bahhai’s, Wahhabi’s, Ahmedi, QADIYANI’s, Aga Khani’s, Bohries, Watch Tower, Awake, Hindu’s, Communities are Playing Dirty Game’s in Pakistan, Iraq, & Afghestan. Why ? The European Community wants, ( UK, & GERMEN’S etc . ) broken Pakistan , Iraq, & Afghanistan in so many PICESE…We strongly condemn this senseless attack,in Peshawar, and other cities of Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan’s. While such contemptible and cowardly attacks against dedicated police , army, officers aim to undermine the essential work of law enforcement and of the rule of law, today’s attack will only strengthen the resolve of police to bring terrorists and criminals to heel.” The Pakistan must help American’s & NATO TO leave Afghanistan very very soon. After date the Time will be Finnished for Them. They will be lose evry think in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Eygpts, Tunisia, Marakash, Libya, Yemen, Bahrin, & Iraq, You can see the RESULT after date. The 10 Golden yeras are enough for them. The 11/9 game is OVER, also The Evil & Devil game’s are dead. We must learn from this battle or Wars or Foolishnees. Its not so easy for NATO’S and others. This war is defrent from other WARS. The NATO are TOTALLY FAILURE IN THEIR OBJECTIVE. They are Killing so mutch Afghani’s daily. They must go from Afghanistan very soon. just now The NATO are ” OUT OF DATE, ” JUST LIKE PENTAGON, CIA, MOSSAD, ISI, RAW, MI5, MI6, FREMASION’S, WORLD ZIONIST, WORLD JEWISH CONGREES, WORLD ANARCHIST , & The World CHRISTIAN ZIONIST. The ” TERRORISTS ” topic is a Big ” LIE’S.”.The Big Changing in Arab countries and also To all over The WORLD. espacialy AFRICAN’s poor Countries SOUDAN in these day’s After Election or Selection’s. The Result come soon as Islamic REVOLUTION IN ISLAMIC BLOCK? Thanks.

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