Pakistan Today

Clash of the institutions

The reaction of federal government against the latest ruling of apex court regarding the removal of Former Chairman NAB, Mr. Justice (Retd) Deedar Hussain Shah is not a novel one. Government of Pakistan Peoples Party has been in the combat mode against the judiciary right from the day they overtook back in February 2008. Whether it be the ruling about the NRO beneficiaries or it be the Supreme Courts verdict regarding the 18th amendment, the PPP has always been reacting quite aggressively.

Even we the common people of Pakistan are running out of our finger tips to hold the list of issues in account. But there has always been a vivid sense of Conflict of Interest between the superior judiciary and the ruling party against every ruling or verdict.

This situation is quite alarming in a sense that it may inject the vial of Civil Disobedience among the masses of Pakistan who have already been victimised by the frustration and agony over a number of issues related to the rising food prices and national security.

The question that arises here is that why a common man would respect the judiciary and the judicial verdicts since the government which is supposed to guard the sacredness of the Courts has been sabotaging the judiciary and the judicial rulings?

This is the very first and the foremost responsibility of the government and all its associated institutions to avoid the conflict within the state pillars; otherwise the clash of institutions would not only hurt our national interests rather it would lead to the replication of Middle East Unrest within our own streets and towns.



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