Pakistan Today

Rip the masks off

The debate on Raymond Davis has now moved much further, his identity doesnt seem a riddle now as much has been revealed about his status. Many reports have appeared regarding his status; US media itself is digging out the realities behind this case. Lately, the most famous and esteemed intelligence website of US, the Startfor, which is being run by ex-members of CIA and American intelligence, is coming up with many reports in this regard, it recently revealed that The American detained after shooting two Pakistanis, Raymond Davis, was part of a covert CIA-led team collecting intelligence and conducting surveillance on militant groups deep inside the country. It clarified that he is not a diplomat but he is CIA contract security officer, so he cannot enjoy the relaxation and security which a diplomat does and he must have been told about this when he joined the CIA. It says that before sending to Pakistan, Raymond must have been told by his company about his status, that though he is a contract officer, the US government will help him in anyway in case of any unpleasant situation. Hence a reliable source that too from US itself has declared his status as a contract security officer which obviously doesnt enjoy diplomatic immunity.

The New York Times also wrote that Raymond Davis is a retired army personnel. He established an intelligence company with his wife Remika Davis in 2006 which later started working for the CIA. Thus different reports are coming up about his identity but none of them says that he is a diplomat. Thats why now the US media is directly asking the US government that why the US is reluctant to declare him a diplomat.

Hence, if it were cleared that he is non-diplomat then why the US State Department was silent on this identity, why spokesman of State Department said that he was not permitted to tell the actual identity of Davis and why the US was reluctant to convince Pakistan that he should be given blanket immunity?

Nevertheless, now the question is not merely about Davis identity and status, now everything related to him has become important. Panic of the US government, President Obamas influx in the issue, arrival of John Kerry in Pakistan, phone call to COAS of Pakistan, all these signs are thought provoking. I think it is time to rip the masks off.



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