Pakistan Today

A thirsty episode

LAHORE – A hike in prices of packed juices has irked citizens who have demanded a stern action against the authorities on the issue. A popular juice company has recently increased juice prices by 80 percent. Citizens claimed that the increment of juice prices is not acceptable for them well before the arrival of the summer season. A 500 milliliter bottle of orange juice which was available at Rs 40 a few days ago is now available at Rs 70.
Students said that the juices have been the best source of energy for them while studying and playing, especially during summers, but the continuous price hike was denying them their needs. They said their limited pocket did not allow buying juices at such high rates, and it has become an additional burden on them. “Last summer when I got ill due to the dehydration, doctors advised me to take fresh juices, but as I went to the shop my parents were shocked looking at the prices, and now even the packed juices have become out of reach,” said by a 14-year-old boy. Citizens claim that doctors have suggested them to avoid soft drinks in order to keep themselves away from the diseases, including tooth decay, obesity, bone weakening and even diabetes.
They claimed that when doctors advise them to use juices how can they tell them that their pockets do not allow this ‘lavishness’. Haleema, a student, said she used to buy a packet of chips and a juice from his college canteen only for Rs 25 only two years ago, but now it costs around Rs 70. She said it was unfortunate that there was no check on the manufactures. She said energy drinks were already expensive and under such conditions the juice industry should oblige the consumers. She also said that 200 ml juice costs Rs 22, which is not even a single glass.
Citizens also said that even though the sugar price has been under control and there was no dramatic increase in the fruit prices as well but the juice prices had started to shoot up. A first class cricketer and a juice lover, Mohsin Saleh said that the low priced juices are also available but they can prove to be counter productive because of their substandard quality. He said while playing cricket he needs at least three to four litters of quality juice in order to save himself from dehydration but it costs around four to 500 rupees daily, which is just not affordable for him.
Prices of fresh juices are already high, as a glass of fresh orange juice costing from Rs 60 to 120, whereas the prices are even higher in the cafes and restaurants. A patient named Akram said his doctor forced him to drink orange juice and discussed its various advantages. He said orange juice could improve immune system as it contained high percentage of Vitamin C, so that you will be less likely to catch diseases like flu and cold. He said that control of juice prices should be brought under health ministry as it has a direct relation with your health and the juices should be treated as the medicines.
Mango juice contains phenolic compounds which have antioxidant activity, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition The website said mangoes contain stomach soothing enzymes, which could be responsible for the contented feeling you get after eating mangoes or drinking mango juice.
Mangoes have high iron content, and are used as a treatment for anemia in some countries, according to The website also contends that those who have muscle cramps, stress and heart problems could benefit from the fruit’s high potassium and magnesium.
The website said mangoes and mango juice are high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A, along with traces of vitamins E, B and K. The fruit also has copper and potassium, and traces of magnesium, manganese, selenium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. The website said mango juice could benefit those who suffer from a number of ailments, such as constipation, heart diseases and stress.
ORANGE JUICE HEALTH BENEFITS Orange juice is known to contain a high percentage of Vitamin C, which is helpful in boosting the immune system.
Various medical studies show that orange juice may help lower both cholesterol levels and blood pressure levels. Orange juice is thought to be very high in antioxidants. It may help prevent various forms of cancer, including breast cancer and prostate cancer. Fairly large amounts of potassium, which is an essential nutrient for the body, can be found in orange juice. Studies have shown that orange juice can help reduce the risk of heart disease, which is because it can help improve circulation.
Orange juice contains Folate, which plays a major role in the reproduction of new cells and can help with the healing process. Research has shown that orange juice has anti-inflammatory properties. If you experience a lot of arthritis-related pain, orange juice may really help relieve it. Due to the antioxidants found in orange juice, many people believe that drinking it on a regular basis may help aid in weight loss.

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