LAHORE – Pakistan has advanced in the field of medical sciences as compared to its status at the time of partition when there were only 121 female doctors, out of whom only 43 were MBBS, former Fatima Jinnah Medical College principal Dr Basharat Yousaf said on Friday during a meeting of Lahore College Associates (LCA). LCA held its annual meeting and reviewed the role of females in national development. Former LCWU vice chancellor and LCA President Prof Dr Bushra Mateen chaired the meeting while LCA Secretary General Shahida Sultan presented LCA’s report and elaborated its objectives and activities.
Dr Basharat has served in Fatima Jinnah Medical College for more than 30 years along with being the advisor of Health Ministry of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. She said LCW was considered the best college before the Indian partition because it was the only college that offered science’s studies to girls.
While talking about the decline in the values of young generation she said that excessive use of technology and media contributed in the deterioration of younger generation’s ethical values. She said that women contributed a lot in the field of medical sciences.
Fatima Jinnah was the first dentist of Pakistan and several women followed in her footsteps. LCA meeting was held yesterday to greet the honorable old students of LCWU along deciding the date of LCA annual dinner 2011. Maryam Ashref, renowned social worker, said LCW had been contributing in women empowerment through education since 1922. LCA’s dinner will be held on April 6, 2011.