Pakistan Today

‘G-8 and KBD’

Sarmad Elahi in his above titled letter has said that the KBD is a controversial dam. The controversy arises when the KBD issue is confused with other grievances the Sindh has against Punjab over taking water from the Indus through various link canals.

KBD is a win-win situation for all. The federal body IRSA will supervise distribution of surplus water stored in the reservoir as per the shares under the Water Accord of 1991. Sindhs share has been increased in all future dams by decreasing Punjabs share despite the vast disparity in population and area under cultivation. A monitoring contingent of engineers from the Sindh irrigation department has been deputed at major head works of Punjab. The left bank canal at KBD will also come under their jurisdiction.

It will be seen that Sindh has everything to gain and nothing to lose from Kalabagh dam. The flow in the Indus will remain unaffected and Sindh will get an additional 2.2 million acre feet of water which it cannot get otherwise. How can that be a cause for controversy?



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