Pakistan Today

Tehrik-e-Insaf demands deportation of Americans

FAISALABAD – Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf divisional head former senator Tariq Chaudhary has condemned the killing of innocent Pakistanis by an American in Lahore. He said the incident was alarming and had exposed the nature of a lord and slave relations existing between the two countries.
He added, “We are not strategic or diplomatic partners of America; we are rather reduced to the status of American slaves”. He was speaking at a press conference in the divisional office of his party and was flanked by Information Secretary Engineer Javed Iqbal and a party leader, Mian Abdul Rauf advocate. He said the growing influence of America in Pakistan was not a new phenomenon as the country had a long history of American domination.
PTI’s stance on the incident was loud and clear, he said, adding that the murder of a human being is the most dreadful act. He said the federal and provincial governments were trying to change the facts of the case to favour the killer by proving him a diplomat. He further said that even a diplomat had no right or diplomatic immunity to shoot and kill the innocent people of another country. Pakistan’s mentally enslaved leadership did not deserve to lead the free nation, he said and added that genocide of innocent Pakistanis through drone attacks must be brought to an end.
He further said that PTI demanded restriction on the movement of Blackwater agents and American Intelligence personnel and withdrawal of Pakistan’s permission to America for using its air space. He also demanded the deportation of all Americans staying in the United States’ missions except diplomats and the release of Pakistanis in the US jails. He demanded a judicial commission for unbiased and independent investigation into the Lahore incident and said that Pakistani people could bear hunger, price hikes, electricity and gas load shedding, but could not tolerate the mentally enslaved rulers.

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