Pakistan Today

Maulana Abdur Rehman Ashrafi passes away

LAHORE – Prominent religious scholar Maulana Abdur Rehman Ashrafi passed away on Friday at the age of 76. Maulana was suffering from kidney problems and other diseases for the past few months.
He was the son of the founder of Jamia Ashrafia Lahore Mufti Hassan. He taught Bukhari Sharif in Jamia Ashrafia for more than fifty years. Maulana Maudodi often offered juma prayer after him. Sheikh ul Hadith Hafiz Abdul Rehman was highly respected by all schools of thoughts.
He was the vice principal of Jamia Ashrafia. He has left four sons, four daughters and a widow behind him JUI (F) Ameer Fazl ur Rehman and Abdul Ghafoor Haidri have termed his death as a great loss to the nation.

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