Achilles’ heel


Wikipedia reads, An Achilles heel is a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength that can actually or potentially lead to downfall. While the mythological origin refers to a physical vulnerability, metaphorical references to other attributes or qualities that can lead to downfall are common.

In Greek mythology, when Achilles was a baby, it was foretold that he would die in battle from an arrow in the foot. Naturally, his mother did not want Achilles to die. So she took Achilles to the river supposed to offer powers of invincibility and dipped his body into the water. But as she held Achilles by the heel, his heel was not washed over by the water of the magical river. Achilles grew up to be a man of war who survived many great battles. But one day, an arrow shot at him was lodged in his heel, killing him instantly. Yet Achilles is remembered as one of the greatest fighters who ever lived.

Pakistan suffers from the same vulnerability as the mythological Achilles. It is the greatest fighter, its lack of moral courage being the heel. Governments have always veered away from taking decisions requiring moral courage and commitment in the beliefs that led to the creation of our country. Instead of taking bold decisions required at the time, they stayed on the fence allowing personal benefits to override the needs of the state and rendering it at the mercy of the elements that strike at the very core.

History is replete with decisions taken or indecision that has resulted in stagnation of the growth of this country. From the initial inability to produce a Constitution, to maneuvered elections, introduction of an army general into the cabinet, squabbling politicians leading to the first martial law and then to another, then the breakup of the country; it has been one long nightmare.

For a brief moment, even in that colossal loss, respite seemed apparent. That too quickly disappeared. Mr. Bhutto, the hope of this nation, succumbing to a weakness, abdicated power to the worst possible regime that would rule this country for the next decade plus. Not just this, but it bestowed upon the country a curse that is becoming increasingly impossible to be rid of.

Every time one hears the much-flaunted fact that the 73 constitution has been revived, it causes one to wretch. When the prime minister takes enormous pride in this incorrect fact, it is cause for serious reflection. He has served in many positions during a long political career including one that is custodian of the constitution. But one wonders whether he ever read the original constitution. Because if he had, he would know the current document includes Zias 8th amendment, which stands in direct conflict with the vision of the 73 constitution and the aspirations and belief of the Quaid.

This accursed amendment has become the bane of Pakistans existence. Since that era, the country has never had the numbers in parliament to throw it out. But more so, parliament has never had the will to do so. It benefits those who are its creation or those who attempted to use it to foist a caliphate upon us. However, General Musharraf had the opportunity. He was implored to act decisively. Alas, he left as he came; all the high moral ground of October 19th vanished when he took over, leaving the state a bystander. Times have changed they say. For the better or the worse, I ask? If vigilante justice and marauding hordes with a convoluted mindset misrepresenting the Almightys noble religion is to be our lot, then I would be right in opting for the latter.

When we read that no amendments, leave aside complete repeal of the blasphemy laws, are being considered and it is attributed to the head of government, we begin to wonder where the road is leading. Surely they are not oblivious of the environment.

The apparent helplessness of the state and the people to combat the evil around us, and by this I do not just mean extremism, is Pakistans biggest issue. Lip service is all we provide. Where is the commitment? One does not mean to fan violence but one does believe in motivating and galvanising the forces committed to this country, regardless of which opinion block they are from. Our goals and objectives should be one: preservation, growth and stability of Pakistan.

If the government does not have the moral courage to deny and defy black laws it cannot create confidence in its people. This is not about idealism or liberalism it is about pragmatic governance with a view that is not purely myopic.

God protects us. He does not need manmade laws to protect Him or His Servant. The ignorant that believe they serve His cause must know how much anguish turmoil causes.

The writer can be contacted at [email protected]