Pakistan Today

Growing vigilantism

The law and order situation in the country seem to be worsening by the day and the police seems to be helpless in the matter. The inability of the police to handle this situation has forced the masses to vigilantism. The incidence of rioters burning down two houses of rival groups in Rawalpindi shows a grim picture. The trouble started when an individual belonging to the other group was shot and killed. The police were again found to be helpless in controlling the situation as reportedly it took two hours for them to arrive at the scene. The mob was so determined and confident that it even stopped the fire fighters from reaching the scene.

Moreover, the recent report about a woman who was harassed by eve teasers and attempted self immolation in front of Mirpur Khas Press Club, portrays a dire picture of the law and order situation in the society. The SPO city arrived at the scene and registered an FIR against the culprits, but only after so much hype. As a concerned citizen, it is a worrisome situation that it takes attempted suicides to pull the police into action. Was it not the duty of the police to proactively address the eve teasing situation? Surely, someone or the woman herself must have reported this matter to the police before. Why did they have to wait until some victim took their own life to highlight the severity of the situation?



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