Onions sell like hot cakes at Sunday bazaars


LAHORE – Onions prices fell, as the federal government banned onion exports to India while chicken prices increased at various Sunday bazaars established in the city. More people visited the bazaars as compared to last week, as the sun made its way after several days and the cold weather decreased.
Tomatoes prices increased as compared to last week while people expressed their pleasure on fall in onion prices and urged the federal government to keep the ban on exports of onions to India. “There is no need to export onion when its prices are so high in local market,” said customer Jamil Haider at the Model Town Sunday bazaar.
Vendors also expressed pleasure over an increase in sales. They said that their sales had increased around 20 to 25 percent due to less onion prices. “In recent weeks, sales have decreased sharply but this week, they increased much to my delight,” said vendor Abrar Hussain adding the customers were also happy due to less prices.