Pakistan Today

Special student wins three gold medals at PU

LAHORE – Umm-e-Hani Shah, a special student won three gold medals; Hamid Nazami Gold Medal, Dr Maskeen Ali Hajazi Gold Medal and University Gold Medal at 119th convocation of the Punjab University.
PU teachers, students and guests appreciated the efforts and hard work of the special student while Hani, a student of MS replica at Institute of Communication Studies (ICS), thanked God and her parents and teachers for their hard work, which enabled her to reach this position.
ICS Director Dr Ahsan Akhtar Naz said Hani’s was a role medal for all other students and observed that Hani during class lectures was brilliant while ICS teachers also helped her in the academic affairs.
He said that Hani was ICS’s asset and as a media student she will do best in her practical career.

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