Six suspected terrorists linked to foreign militant group arrested


KARACHI – Law enforcement agencies (LEAs) have arrested six suspected terrorists with links to an Iran-based militant organization, foiling their bid to form a terrorist wing of the outfit in Karachi, intelligence sources told Pakistan Today on Saturday.
The suspects are believed to be involved in sectarian killings of over 100 people. They have been shifted to an unidentified location and raids are being carried out to arrest their 13 accomplices.
The arrested men are alleged activists of the banned Sipah-e-Muhammad and working for another terrorist organisation, the Iran-based Lashkar-e-Ahle Bait. Sources said LEAs conducted a raid in the Federal B Area and arrested a man identified as Maisum, recovering heavy weapons and grenades from his possession.
Within 24 hours of his arrest, police raided Yousuf Plaza in Ancholi and arrested another five suspects, recovering weapons and explosives from their possession. During initial interrogation, the suspects revealed that they had killed more than 100 members of rival sects in the last few years.
“The suspects have strong links to Lashkar-e-Ahle Bait and were trying to establish a network of that organisation in Karachi,” a Home Department official told Pakistan Today.


  1. Those who want to witness a documentary, inspired by true stories of persons, who were once radicalized to the extent that they took up arms. However, later they gave up the violent path and now are trying to live a normal life. This is not easy for them, as their pursuance of violence had a profound effect on the lives of their families. That's why they regret it every single day of their lives.

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