Pakistan Today

Veena Malik voted out of ‘Bigg Boss’!

MUMBAI – Veena Malik entered Big Boss house under the shadows of 9/11 Mumbai terror attack. Shiv Sena was protesting and Begum Nawazish Ali was evicted. Veena started of well. She was in fact, a hopeful finalist.
In the midway, she changed her image and started acting vulgar and arrogant. Both are good in limit and when needed. But, Veena exceeded what normal human can take. She was seen as a manipulator too. Shweta and Sameer when expressed the opinion that she is arrogant on week days and sweet on week ends, their fans were listening. Veena Malik spills the beans in this first ever interview after being eliminated.
Q. Veena Malik, what are you all about?
Ha ha. This is me! The one and only. It isn’t an act. You saw me on Bigg Boss. How could I keep up an act for such a long time? The fact that the people in India have liked me so much makes me so happy.
Q.You recently came into the limelight with an outburst of controversies. What have you set out to achieve in your life?
(Thinks) I’ve never planned anything in my life. People love me and I was here to show my love for them. By God’s grace people gave me so much love over here. Trust me, I’m honoured. This is my achievement… Now I’ll go back to Lahore to do a show for a leading news channel. I came here with a message of peace and love.
Q.You have a very Indian name?
Yes (laughs). I am glad I am called Veena. People often wonder whether I am a Pakistani or an Indian. When I started my career in Pakistan, people thought I was from India. Both Pakistan and India are my homes. I love this place and the Indian people and I would always want to come back here.
Q.You have performed comic roles in Pakistani films? Any plans for Bollywood?
Trust me, I wanted to do a lot of mischievous things on Bigg Boss. But I restrained myself. I never thought of a Bollywood career for myself. There are so many beautiful actresses here and I am their fan. It’s a matter of great pride for me if anyone thinks I fit among these Indian beauties. Pamela Anderson told me I’m a warrior. So I’d like to do an action-comedy role.
Q.What’s the status of your relationship with Ashmit Patel?
Do you want to hear the truth? Ashmit is very important to me. Believe me, he gave me tremendous emotional support. He is a great person. But all the gossip linking me with Hrishant Goswami and Ashmit is untrue. Hrishant wasn’t even a friend. I admire him for being a good-looking man. I liked him. But that’s it. As for Ashmit, he’s a sweetheart. He’s my buddy. If there was anything more between us I’m bold enough to admit it. If life remains we will meet again.
Q. So who’s the special man in your life?
Right now I’m single. I am waiting anxiously for that special entry in my life. Before going into Bigg Boss I had lost faith in love. But I’ve come out with my faith back in place. So my doors are open. I am single and waiting.
Q. Back home in Pakistan some radical elements have described your conduct as un-Islamic?
Whether in Pakistan or on Bigg Boss, I never pretended to be anything. What I am, I am. I don’t believe in wearing a burqa or a hijaab (head covering) and then going on television to do politics pretending to be very Islamic when in fact, such people wear western clothes like jeans and shorts when the camera is not looking.
For me, the greatest religion is humanity. I respect and love God. I have a strong connection with God. My message in life is, be what you are.
Q. How do you react to being called irreligious?
Religion is a very personal thing. It is no one else’s business. If I look beautiful to your eyes then please do the honour of looking at me. But if you feel by looking at me they (the eyes) are being un-Islamic, then please don’t take the trouble of looking at me.
Q. Do you fear the wrath of the conservative elements?
When you live your life your own way you are bound to offend people. I’ve the right to live my life my way. When tenets are imposed on you and you reject them you’re bound to face hardships. I’ve suffered in the past. I’m ready to suffer now. But I won’t change the way I am. I will live life the way I want to live. I know I’ve to face a lot of anger when I return home. And I also know no one will share my pain and suffering.
Q. You are complete dabanng (fearless). Like Salman Khan?
(Laughs loudly) Do you really think so?
Q. Do you regret your expose on your former cricketer boyfriend Mohammad Asif?
I don’t want to go into too many details. But I will say this I went out of my way for him.. I tried to be exemplary in the relationship. Whatever he did or said about me or about our relationship, I didn’t mind. But what he did with the emotions of those thousands of cricket lovers by cheating people of crores.
I couldn’t tolerate that. Even today I stand by my expose. In fact, I am happy that I did it. I marvel at my own guts. In spite of being a single girl did I really make such a big revelation? I am proud of what I did..
Q.What are your plans now?
I did not go on Bigg Boss for the money. The prize money is meaningless to me. I am a woman of plenty. I came to India and Bigg Boss to spread the message of love. It was being said before me that artists from across the border had no acceptance or support in India.
I’ve disproved that. I will never forget this unconditional love which the Indians have shown me. I’ll always be happy to return to India any time. My visa expires now in a few days. So I’ve to return to Pakistan. But I’ll be back soon.

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