Pakistan Today

NWA Operation

The summary of the Obama administrations latest strategy review shows a continuous pursuit of a military operation against Al Qaeda and Taliban in Afghanistans and Pakistans territory including the expansion of deadly drone strikes in Pakistan. Political efforts are also mentioned to support a durable resolution of the conflict but no further details are mentioned as to how its goals would be secured.

The US has extended the time limit for withdrawal by four more years up to 2014 to accomplish this task. The US has come to an understanding that eliminating the miscreants in totality is not possible and thereby an honourable exit after handing over the situation to Afghan forces is the better course of action. But it is neither evident from the ongoing Afghan war nor has been displayed in last ten years of the US war performance. Apparently it appears illogical but it is very carefully designed to satisfy the public at home and then enhance the chances of victory in the next presidential election which is very important for Obama.

The Afghan government has already failed to give equitable and workable representation to Pakhtuns who are in majority in the country and no government in Afghanistan can run smoothly without the support of the Pakhtuns; thats why most of the influential Pakhtuns and warlords are reluctant to support the Afghan government because of their cosmetic representation and forming of unnatural alliance/government. If the same policy is pursued and tried again to be executed through force, it will never reach its logical end. As it is proved that no military action can rectify a wrong political strategy; it may achieve temporary success but no long-lasting peace.

Most Afghans have come to the conclusion that war can be brought to an end through diplomatic ways. Most of the Americans are also of this opinion; according to a BBC news survey, the Afghan war is no more worth fighting. And the closing remarks and last words of Richard Holbrook that you got to stop Afghan War are also a clear indicator. At this critical stage, it is extremely important to encourage Karzais efforts for reconciliation to negotiate the settlement sooner rather than later.

An environment should be created to support the pursuit of political processes to achieve peace and enduring stability which will also offer an honourable exit to the US forces. And the so-called safe sanctuaries in FATA as painted by the international media and do more demand will die down because peace in Afghanistan will ensure peace in FATA. Moreover military operation in NWA will internally displace millions of population just for no gain but rather to justify the unreasonable demands of the US. So all the stakeholders must sit together, develop national consensus and set their priorities before going for any option and reaching a conclusive decision.



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