Pakistan Today

Vidya bags MMS film?

Vidya Balan is reportedly all set to play the lead in Ekta Kapoor’s next film, ‘Ragini MMS’, based on the infamous MMS scandal in a Delhi school. Earlier, Kangna Ranaut had been approached to play the role and she reportedly even agreed to do it.
But Kangna walked out of the movie a few days ago, when she heard about the explicit content it will have due to the subject of the story. But Ekta has apparently already found a replacement in Vidya Balan. A source says, “Kangna walked out of the film, perhaps because she had developed cold feet about the movie. This is a bold movie and it needs an actress who can do justice to a strong portrayal. Vidya can deliver such intense roles with confidence.
She is anyway doing ‘Dirty Picture’, based on the life of Silk Smitha. Hence, Ekta and her company felt that she’s appropriate for the role. After playing the role of Sabrina Lall, sister of slain Delhi model Jessica, in ‘No One Killed Jessica’, and Silk Smitha in ‘Dirty Picture’, it seems Vidya’s becoming quite popular with filmmakers who want to cast actresses for ‘real’ roles. This latest role, if confirmed, would be the latest in a series of realistic, offbeat films for the actress.

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