Pakistan Today

Advice for Musharraf

I would like to advise Musharraf that he should not waste his time on mud throwing on PML(N) leader Nawaz Sharif and others. Instead he should start working on his stated agenda right away. Every thoughtful Pakistani knows that the present lot of the politician has no abilities to solve the problems faced by the common man and the issue faced by the country. Politicians have failed to discharge their duties honestly. Their incompetence and corruption is well known to the people. The prevailing corruption and inflation has reached at an alarming level, and there is no Faith, Unity and Discipline in the nation.

The politicians after coming into the power and those holding the office of the President, Prime Minister and Chief Ministers are behaving like kings keeping all the powers in their hands. They claim that they are champions of democracy but do not want election in their own parties.

Musharraf should outline his plans and policies how to make Pakistan a modern state as envisioned by its founder Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The APML should hold conventions in Pakistans major cities as soon as possible so that those who are fed up with the present political parties can join APML.



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