Pakistan Today

‘Attack inside red zone’

This pertains to your editorial dated November 13 on the above subject. The Al Qaeda provides planners and trainers for terrorist attacks. The TTP provides sanctuaries to Al Qaeda in a large part of FATA which is under control of TTP. Both these organizations have collaborative relationship with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Lashkar-e-Taiba. The TTP and LeJ execute the most lethal assaults involving suicide-bombers across the country.

The root of terrorism, therefore, is in FATA. The only way to end this scourge is to re-capture Pakistani territory under the control of Al-Qaeda-TTP and destroy their sanctuaries. This has already been done successfully in Swat and S Waziristan. Now, it has to be done in other agencies, particularly N Waziristan. Otherwise, suicide bombers will continue to kill Pakistanis.



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