Pakistan Today

Gharib dushman looters

Pakistan has plenty of them. They leave no opportunity to destroy anything. From one commodity to another, it is total anarchy. Plunder and loot to their insatiable fill is their motto. They want to decimate the poor. I am talking about the ghreeb dushman looters.

Just imagine them. They are looting and plundering the national assets and daily use items like these things are only produced for them and the poor have no right. Take an example of the sugar prices. They increase the price citing various unfathomable reasons, but guess who is getting the benefit of all this. Yeah, you guessed right. It is not the poor, it is still the rich, mill owners, feudal lords, bureaucrats and politicians.

The federal government is working with an armada of ministers that costs billions of rupees to the national kitty but who is to blame. Of courser the poor, they need to be governed!

What a cruel joke? In my humble opinion, the time has come to decimate them. Lets not use their sugar items anymore.

Desist buying candies, chocolates, sweets, sweetened beverages, juices, biscuits, confectioneries, junk food items, chips and others to force a low level of demand which would help in bringing the prices down.

We need to follow midnight whisper and unseen tears of 170 million people of the country, who are forced into the clutches of abject misery due to the highest ever corruption and incompetence of coalition rulers.



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