Scientists to create DNA database


The “DNA Dozen” want to allay fears amongst the public that information about their genes should not be widely shared on the grounds that it is private and sensitive.
The Genome Unzipped project intends to explain what genetic code can and cannot reveal about an individual’s health.
The 11 British-based scientists and one American genetics lawyer want to encourage the creation of open-access DNA databases which would make it easier to research and accelerate discoveries about genetics and health.
Daniel MacArthur, a geneticist leading the project, said, “We hope that by sharing our experiences and publishing our data, people will see the genome in a clearer light. We want to show that genetic information need not be frightening and that the risks of publishing data can be managed.”
DNA databases currently are restricted from passing on information to scientists by strict confidentiality agreements. However, critics of the initiative say it minimises the risk posed by publishing the contents of genetic material online.
Helen Wallace, of GeneWatch UK, told, “Your DNA contains very personal information about you, and in the longer term we can’t be certain this won’t be used by insurance companies. I don’t think scientists should be encouraging this.”