Sameera turns veggie


It’s that time of the year when vegetarianism is celebrated in full measure. Perhaps coinciding with the recently-concluded Vegetarian Week, Sameera Reddy has decided to turn vegetarian with a vengeance. “I just think it’s the healthier option,” the actress said, “It was just a recent realisation and since then, I’ve decided to say no to meat.”
The decision, she said, was met with surprise and scepticism from her family members and close friends. “They were shocked,” reveals the actress, “All of them knew I’m a fitness freak and wondered where I’d get the proteins from! But I’m convinced that it’s the right choice.”
Turning veggie, along with a daily dose of yoga, has helped the actress quite a bit. “I’ve got a more toned body now and I can feel a change within me,” she states.
This has helped her in the films front too as Sameera had to lose weight for her upcoming film with director Priyadarshan. “Yes, I’ve lost a lot of weight of late thanks to my decision,” she gushes, “This, I’m sure, will help me portray my role in the film better